Earn your credits
Your guide to earning CME credits on
Do you need CME credits?
You have come to the right place
The CMEMaster platform has courses that will help you gain CME
Credit through our ACCME Accredited partner, CME Outfitters
An insight into our CME credits
- CMEMaster has collaborations with CME Outfitters, a US based CME company
- CME Outfitters is accredited by the ACCME to provide continued medical education to physicians
- The requirements and policies of the ACCME are being planned and followed in our activities
- On completion of our courses, clinicians can earn AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM
CMEMaster: An opportunity to tune your skills and boost your confidence in practice!
Earning CME credits on CMEMaster
- Have you registered on CMEMaster? If not, go ahead and register
- Login to your account, select a course of your interest
- A successful completion of the course requires you to have a minimal passing score of 75%
- The post evaluation form is to be filled and submitted for CME certification

Countries where AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM are

The information presented in this document was retrieved from the websites of various national accrediting bodies.
CMEMaster does not guarantee that your national accrediting body will transfer the credits as described.
CMEMaster does not guarantee that your national accrediting body will transfer the credits as described.
Can you convert AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM to other types of credits?
Yes, You can!
Yes, You can!
American Academy of Family Physicians
The courses on CMEMaster are acceptable as AAPF elective credits.
For more information, visit: www.aafp.org
For more information, visit: www.aafp.org
American College of Emergency Physicians
The ACEP recognises AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM
and/or ACEP Category I Credit by ACCME
For more information, visit: www.acep.org
For more information, visit: www.acep.org
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